Blog - SureGlow Stove and Chimney


High-efficiency Fireplace Options

High-efficiency Fireplace Options

For homeowners who love to see a roaring fire burning in an open fireplace, the sad truth is that traditional wood-burning fireplaces do little to add heat to your home. Open-hearth fireplaces send an estimated 90% of the fire’s heat up your chimney, and lets out your...

5 Good Reasons You Need a Chimney Cap

5 Good Reasons You Need a Chimney Cap

You wouldn’t go out in the rain without an umbrella, would you? Okay, maybe you would – but your chimney should never be out in the elements without its own umbrella, better known as a chimney cap. Usually made of copper or steel, chimney caps sit atop the chimney...

How to remove wasps from your chimney

How to remove wasps from your chimney

Winter is coming, temperatures are dropping and wasps are looking for a new home. Unfortunately for some homeowners, chimneys are a popular destination for wasps to nest and make their home. If your home is one that does have wasps in its chimney, don’t worry you’re...

Cold Air in Your Fireplace

Cold Air in Your Fireplace

Your fireplace should be a source of warmth and comfort. Unfortunately, some fireplaces have the opposite effect. Some fireplaces actually cool portions of your home, especially if you don't have a proper damper. This allows warm air to travel up and out of your home,...

Do Not Burn These Materials in Your Fireplace

Do Not Burn These Materials in Your Fireplace

With a fire roaring in your fireplace, it can be tempting to throw in the odd bit of paper or cardboard box. Before you toss something other than typical fireplace fuel on the flames, however, you should be aware of some materials that you should never burn in your...