Get the Best Gas Log & Gas Fireplace Insert Installation Services Near You: We’re Here To Help
If you’re seeking gas log or gas insert installation, maintenance, and other services, we’re the crew to call. Our customers mean a lot to us and we’d love to see what we can do for you.
Can I Convert My Wood Fireplace to a Gas Fireplace?
Yes, you can. In fact, one of the simplest ways to switch to gas is by either 1) putting a gas-fueled log set in or 2) installing a gas fireplace insert into your pre-existing wood masonry firebox.
What’s the difference between gas logs and a gas fireplace insert?
- Gas logs are artificial logs that sit inside your existing fireplace.
- Gas fireplace inserts are self-contained systems designed to fit into an existing wood fireplace.
Yet, while this is a simple enough process when you have the training and tools that our techs do, this isn’t something we’d recommend taking a DIY approach to. When it comes to working with gas lines or anything that has to do with heat or fire in your home, you need to ensure the job is done right – and trusting a trained technician is the only way to guarantee just that. Contact our experts now.
What Are the Benefits of Gas Logs & Gas Fireplace Inserts?
Fireplaces are no small investment – and neither are fireplace conversions – so you want to know you’re going to love your new gas upgrade. Some of the biggest benefits of gas logs or gas fireplace inserts include:
- They’re efficient. Gas inserts are known as one of the most efficient heat sources in the fireplace industry. Gas-fueled appliances, in general, are known for their great heat output, and an insert especially excels at ensuring warmth is radiated back into your space – and not out the chimney.
- They’re convenient. Gas appliances are known for being easy to operate. Turning them on is as quick and simple as pushing a button or flipping a switch, and there’s no need to tend to a fire, gather more wood, or clean up a messy ash pile at the end of it all.
- They’re smoke-free. If you’ve ever dealt with a smoky living space, you know how awful it can be. It makes your house smell, it messes with your ambiance, and it can trigger some nasty health issues too. With gas systems, smoke in your home is never a worry.
- They can save you money. Because gas systems are so efficient, they can help you cut down your energy costs. Turn down your thermostat, gather around the hearth, and enjoy lower monthly payments – without sacrificing on heat.
- They’re aesthetically pleasing. Gas fireplaces can’t exactly replicate the sounds and smells of a wood fireplace, but they come pretty close. Nowadays, the flames are more realistic than ever. Or you can choose from other media options, like rocks or glass.
- They increase home value. Many include a fireplace on their “dream home wish list.” And if it’s gas? That’s all the better for a busy family who doesn’t want to invest a lot of time into a wood-burning system.
Are There Different Types of Gas Logs?
Technically, there are different levels of classification – even within the family of “gas logs.” Before understanding the different materials gas logs can be made of, you have to decide if you want a vented or ventless system. Like the names suggest, vented gas logs produce smoke exhaust that must be emitted through a venting system (like a chimney), while ventless (or vent-free) gas logs are specifically designed to emit little exhaust and do not require a venting system.
Direct Vent & Other Vented Gas Fireplaces
Vented gas logs come in direct vent or vented options. Here’s the difference:
- Direct vent: Direct vent gas fireplaces feature a glass plate that completely seals off the unit from the inside of the home, and they utilize outside air to create combustion, making them very efficient. Based on their design, they are quite versatile and can be placed almost anywhere since they do not need to be vented vertically (the way a traditional wood or other gas-fueled fireplace does).
- Vented: A normal vented gas log fireplace system is probably exactly what you’re picturing – logs made from a heat-resistant material sitting atop a burner that is fueled by either propane or natural gas. They are located within an existing prefab or traditional masonry fireplace and, much like a wood-fueled fire, these gas logs require some sort of chimney/piping system in order to release the exhaust and other fumes naturally created during a fire.
Ventless Gas Log Fireplaces
Unvented gas systems are designed to produce low amounts of combustion byproducts and fumes – but that doesn’t mean they don’t produce any. Vent-free gas fireplaces are good at creating radiant heat that emanates from the logs and into the living area, but, since they do not require the utilization of any kind of exhaust release, the combustion fumes that are produced – no matter the volume – circulate back into your home. For this reason, they are not meant to operate for longer than 3-4 hours at a time.
Which Is Safer? Vented or Ventless Gas Logs?
Generally speaking, most prefer vented gas logs because, no matter how little or how long they remain lit, all of the noxious gases and chemicals are vented up and out of a chimney. That said, as long as your ventless logs are stacked correctly and installed according to the manufacturer’s exact specifications, and you only use the system for a couple hours at a time as they are designed, you shouldn’t have a problem.
As with all fireplace systems, no matter the fuel they burn and how they’re vented, there is always a danger of exposure to harmful fumes and chemicals. Like we’ve mentioned, a natural byproduct of combustion is a host of different dangerous pollutants – like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and the potential presence of hydrocarbons or aldehydes.
If you take care of your system and utilize it according to its design, you significantly decrease the risk of chemical and exhaust-related dangers.
If you’re still not sure what type of gas log fireplace would best suit your needs, give us a call! We’d love to chat with you about all the options available.
What Kind of Maintenance Does a Gas Log Fireplace or Gas Insert Need?
Gas log fireplaces and gas inserts are less maintenance than wood logs, but it’s important to understand that they aren’t no-maintenance. Just like every appliance in your home, in order to keep things running smoothly and functioning as safely as possible, you still need to care for your fireplace.
No, you don’t have to keep an eye on your wood supply and ensure that you always have burnable fuel, but you do still need to have the system inspected at least once a year.
Does a gas log fireplace or gas fireplace insert need to be checked? How often?
Absolutely. Gas logs might not create the creosote, soot, and other buildup found in traditional wood combustion, but over time and depending on use, their soot can build up within the firebox as well as the inside of the chimney flue. If your chimney is not inspected every year, you run the risk of accumulating smoke particles and other debris that can put you at risk of experiencing dangers, like carbon monoxide in your home.
Aside from the shared chimney dangers of wood-burning fuel, gas logs and gas inserts also require their own checks and maintenance so that they remain as effective, efficient, and safe as possible. So, what does a gas-fueled fireplace and chimney inspection entail?
- Ensure the gas intake line is properly connected and not leaking
- Check that all burner parts are working properly
- Verify that the logs are placed and stacked correctly for proper and optimal burning/heat production
- Refresh/replace whatever media is located under the burner (e.g. lava rocks, glass beads, stones, etc.)
Another thing we commonly find, and one that is unique to propane-fueled gas fireplaces, is that spiders are attracted to something in the propane and will create nests and build webs over and around the burning system. If you light a fire that, unbeknownst to you, has a web or a nest covering one of the burn ports, it will affect the way your fire burns by either creating soot production or using an excessive amount of fuel.
When Should I Replace My Gas Log Set?
It depends. Provided you maintain your gas log fireplace well and are on top of it whenever you notice oddities or inefficiencies, your set of gas logs can last upwards of 10 years. If, however, you rarely (or never) get them inspected and/or they are used improperly, they may only last between three to five years.
What are signs that my gas logs need replacing over repairs?
Never discount the possibility that, even if you do use your fireplace according to its directions and you have it inspected annually, you could still need to replace your gas logs on the sooner side. If you notice the following, you may need to replace your set:
- The logs look faded or otherwise discolored
- The flame is not burning as brightly as it once did
- There is a presence of physical damage like chips or cracks in the logs
- An odor is coming from the fireplace
- Soot and ash is beginning to accumulate
In need of an industry professional? Our team of Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) certified chimney sweeps are just the ones for the job. Reach out today.
What Are Signs That My Gas Logs Need Repairs?
Your logs likely require some level of repair if, for whatever reason, they don’t seem to be working properly. Many times, if your gas logs are operated by a remote control, they may suddenly stop working because the remote battery is dead. Always check this first before assuming that something more serious is the problem.
That said, if that is not the issue it could be any of these:
- There is a clog or a leak somewhere in your gas line
- The gas igniter is damaged and not sparking
- The gas valve may be closed
- The pilot light – the part of the system that triggers heat generation – may be off
This list is, of course, not exhaustive and there could be something else going on that is affecting the operation of your gas logs. If your system is not functioning properly, stop using it and call in an industry professional from SureGlow Stove & Chimney to take a look and determine what chimney repair services you might need.
How Much Should I Expect to Pay for a Gas Fireplace?
We always hesitate to give any kind of estimate until someone from our team has come out to see your space, system, setup, etc. because, much like everything else in this industry, it depends.
First, we have to know whether or not you’re starting from scratch and deciding to go straight to a gas log fireplace or if you wish to convert your current fireplace to a gas-burning one.
Some common questions that we’ll ask to get you an estimate include:
- Do you currently utilize a traditional wood-burning fireplace/chimney system?
- What are you looking for in a gas fireplace? Heat efficiency or a resemblance to the authentic, traditional wood-burning fireplace?
- How many hours per day do you think you’d be using it?
- Would ventless or vented be better?
For accurate pricing (as well as recommendations and advice), reach out to someone on our team. We love fireplaces and we love helping our customers choose the best product for their needs, all while ensuring all associated costs are fair and appropriate.
Can I Install/Clean a Gas Log Set Myself?
No – working with gas can be extremely dangerous if you’re not properly trained or experienced. Gas fireplaces or inserts may seem rather simple in terms of their setup, but there is a lot that goes into ensuring gas logs are connected correctly, stacked properly, and generally set up for success – like checking that thermocouples, thermopiles, electronic ignition systems are adjusted and working to specifications.
We always recommend working with a professional chimney/heating company (like us) when it comes to all things fireplace and home heating. It’s better and safer to call in the experts here at SureGlow Stove & Chimney.
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Are you ready to take the next step? Whether it’s as simple as a routine cleaning or a complex chimney repair job, our team is the one to call. SureGlow Stove & Chimney is here for all your gas log service, maintenance, and installation needs.
Book an appointment online or call us to learn more about what we can do for you.
Check out our wood stove selection for an in-depth look at the quality products we sell and install.