Swifts, racoons and squirrels — Oh, my!
It might not seem like it, but your chimney is an appealing location for animals. Birds, bats and many kinds of critters and pests have been known to find their way into chimneys. During the heat of the summer, chimneys provide a cool, shaded place. In the fall and...
What is a prefabricated fireplace?
If you’re looking to add a fireplace to your home, your mind probably turns first to the style you’d like to achieve and the fuel type you prefer. There’s one other fireplace decision you’ll have to make when you begin shopping around: traditional masonry fireplace or...
Help! I have Cold Air Coming In Through My Chimney!
Fireplaces are meant to keep your home warm and cozy. They can even be used to lower your reliance on your furnace and bring you lower energy bills as a result. That makes it all the more frustrating when cold air finds its way into your home through your chimney....
Common Exterior Chimney Repairs
If your home has a chimney, a time likely will come that that chimney needs to be repaired. It can be intimidating to hear that your chimney needs work. In addition, seeing the chimney deteriorating before your eyes. However, it can help to know and be on the lookout...
Converting your fireplace from gas to wood or from wood to gas
Do you have a gas fireplace but long for the crackle of a traditional wood-burning fire? Or do you have a wood-burning fireplace that sits largely unused because of the hassle it takes to build and maintain an inefficient wood fire? You don’t have to deal with your...
Vent-free vs. Vented Gas Log Sets
People have enjoyed the warmth and ambience provided by a crackling wood fires since long before there were fireplaces in which to burn them. As wonderful as wood is, however, many have lost their love for it due to the messy ashes and smell that are left behind....
Learning About Chimney Swifts
When asked to think of warmer months, the sound of birds chirping probably comes to mind. The sound, when heard out in nature, can be quite soothing. However, one can imagine how hearing those same sounds coming from the inside your chimney could get old quickly....
Why We Love the Kansas City Area
With a population of 2.34 million inhabitants, the Kansas City area spreads across 15 counties in two states, Kansas and Missouri. While the greater St. Louis metropolitan area outranks us to be the largest populated area of Missouri, population statistics and...
Ash Removal
How to Remove Ash from Your Fireplace or Stove Is there a right and a wrong way to remove ashes and coals from your fireplace or wood stove? You bet there is. Just recently, a detached garage in North Carolina burned to the ground because the homeowner improperly...