Vent-free vs. Vented Gas Log Sets - SureGlow Stove and Chimney

Vent-free vs. Vented Gas Log Sets

Vented or Vent-Free Gas Log fireplace in Prairie Village KS

People have enjoyed the warmth and ambience provided by a crackling wood fires since long before there were fireplaces in which to burn them. As wonderful as wood is, however, many have lost their love for it due to the messy ashes and smell that are left behind. Suffice it to say that, for many, their love affair with wood-burning fireplaces has burned out. For those who want the ambience without the drawbacks, Fluesbrothers Chimney Service has two possible solutions to your problem: direct vent and vent-free gas logs.

Vented or Vent-Free Gas Log fireplace in Prairie Village KSVented Gas Logs

Vented gas logs are designed to use right in your traditional wood-burning fireplace, with one slight modification—the addition of a gas line. These probably provide an experience that is closest to that of burning real wood; realistic flames wrap around the edges of the logs and climb high into your firebox, similarly to how wood burns naturally. These units have been around for over 20 years now and are a tried and true method.

When in use, vented gas logs require that your damper be opened fully, as they do not burn as efficiently or cleanly as their vent-free counterparts. They do still, however, burn more cleanly than a wood fire. On a size-by-size comparison, vented gas logs are cheaper than vent-free sets of the same size.

Vent-Free Gas Logs

The main attraction of vent-free gas logs is the amount of heat they are capable of putting out into your living space. This additional heat is created because the unit operates with your fireplace damper closed. This causes heat to circulate into the room rather than up into your chimney. This feature results in increased efficiency and a lower overall cost for heating your room.

When is use, vent-free gas logs burn so hot that nearly 100% of the fuel is combusted, resulting in negligible amounts of soot and carbon monoxide. An oxygen depletion sensor (ODS) is present on vent-free units as an additional safeguard to ensure that the burner will be turned off prior to the oxygen level in your room reaching a dangerous level.

It is always nice to have options. If you find yourself unhappy with your wood-burning fireplace and the extra hassles associated with maintaining it, a gas unit is something worth considering. It is really the best of both worlds. When you are finally ready to take the next step, contact the professional staff at Fluesbrothers Chimney Service. We look forward to hearing from you!

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