Protecting Your Chimney: Hire Us for Chimney & Masonry Waterproofing Services in Your Area

Chimney water damage is a big problem, which is masonry waterproofing is vital for system longevity. If you’re seeking chimney leak prevention near you, schedule a waterproofing appointment with us today.

Why Should I Waterproof My Chimney?

Bricks are strong, sturdy, and totally indestructible…right? Actually, no – they are strong and reliable, but only if they’re protected and maintained. And water can do a lot of damage to your masonry chimney in a short amount of time if left to its own devices

Chimney and brick waterproofing is a preventive measure that can protect your chimney against the natural elements. It shields your chimney against moisture, making it less likely to break down – and the system will last longer too.

Waterproofing also protects against the freeze/thaw process. What is this?

In areas with chilly winters, freezing rain, snow, and ice accumulate on the exterior brick surface. Since brick is porous by nature, it absorbs this water. As temperatures drop below freezing, this absorbed water freezes and expands, eventually causing bricks and mortar to expand, as well – and crack.

When the ice melts during the warmer parts of the day, larger cracks and voids are left behind to absorb even more moisture the next time there is an adverse weather event.

This freeze/thaw cycle repeats multiple times a season, year after year. After some time, you may start to notice more instances of crumbling mortar and brick spalling. If this level of water damage goes uncorrected, it can lead to serious issues for your chimney, like structural instability, which is expensive and time-consuming to fix.

What if My Chimney Isn’t Leaking… Should I Still Waterproof?

Yes. In fact, it may be more of a reason to do so, ensuring you continue avoiding leaks and water damage as time goes on.

In the end, just because you may not have had issues with leaks or water damage in the past, it doesn’t guarantee your chimney is safe from future problems. In its early stages, water damage may be hard to identify and problems can go undetected for months. A chimney cap alone is not always enough to protect against moisture, and it won’t stop your bricks from soaking it in. The same with flashing and other preventive structural components.
In addition, caps, flashing, crowns, and the like can crack, deteriorate, or be damaged by strong winds during a storm, so you might not be as protected as you think. It’s hard to know what’s happening up on your roof!

The best way to make sure your chimney is protected from future problems is to have your chimney inspected every year and to invest in preventive measures, like waterproofing. Don’t wait until a problem arises to give us a call or reach out online. We’re here for you.

Can I Waterproof My Chimney Myself?

This isn’t recommended. Our chimney technicians are trained to spot brickwork issues that may be missed by an inexperienced eye. In addition, most products you can gain easy access to (i.e. products that aren’t industry grade) won’t last as long, so you’ll have to reapply them time and time again in order to maintain their effectiveness.

In addition, vapor permeability is a must when it comes to waterproofing, and not all products offer this. We know all about – and have access to – products that will get the job done and how to apply them so that they are maximally effective.

How Long Does Chimney Waterproofing Last?

On average, waterproofing that is applied properly by a team of experts can last around 10 years. This can vary based on regional weather conditions, how often you use your chimney, and its overall condition.

What Is the Most Common Cause of Chimney Leaks?

We wish we could give you one solid cause of chimney leaks, along with a clearcut guide for defending against them, but the truth about your chimney – and its water-related issues – isn’t so simple and straightforward. There are quite a number of things that can cause your chimney to leak, so avoiding problems isn’t always so cut and dry.

The good news is that, by recognizing possible entry points for water, you can take proactive steps towards protecting your home.

What are some of the most common ways that water gets into chimneys?

  • Through the brickwork. We’ve been talking a lot about waterproofing, so this shouldn’t come as a big surprise… Bricks are made of porous materials, and continuous exposure to changing weather patterns can eventually break down the outer layer of the bricks and allow them to soak up water.
  • Through the chimney crown. Your chimney crown can naturally deteriorate due to wear and tear. It becomes susceptible to minor and significant cracks as it is exposed to weather and the elements over time. This gives water easy entry points where it can then spread.
  • Through the chimney flashing. Chimney flashing consists of thin metal strips that are installed around the base of a chimney, right where it meets the roof. If the flashing is damaged, water can penetrate the chimney’s brick exterior and potentially damage mortar joints, interior wood, insulation, and sheetrock.
  • Through the chimney top. A chimney cap is one of the most important parts of your chimney. It sits at the top of your chimney, right above the chimney crown, and it keeps out debris, blocks the pathway of curious animals, and prevents water from getting into the interior. If the chimney cap is missing or damaged, your chimney will be exposed to moisture – and will face damage as a result.
  • Through your mortar joints. Missing or crumbling mortar joints are a common problem for masonry chimneys. Mortar joints hold the bricks together and help keep moisture from entering the chimney system. When joints are deteriorating or missing, water can get into your chimney and home, leading to serious water damage.

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For Local Chimney Waterproofing Services, We Can Help

Before proceeding with chimney waterproofing, it is crucial to have your chimney thoroughly inspected, swept, and, if needed, repaired. Waterproofing will not work if underlying leak-related damages are not addressed.

If you suspect your chimney has a leak or you have concerns about water damage, an inspection can get to the bottom of what is causing your leaks. Give us a call or schedule an appointment online to get started.

If your chimney is leaking, you may need a new chimney cap installed. We can get the job done right.