by Marisa Bell | Dec 30, 2023 | Chimney Information
Did you know that chimneys in the home date back as early as the twelfth century? Between then and now many warm, fond memories have been made alongside a fire. Even before this, fires were enjoyed inside – sometimes even around an open fire. As you can imagine this...
by Marisa Bell | May 22, 2023 | Chimney Information
If you want to give your fireplace or chimney a fresh look or cover up imperfections, brick staining is a cost-effective way to do it. In this post, we look at the benefits of brick staining, how much it costs, and why you should hire a professional. What is Brick...
by Marisa Bell | May 28, 2019 | Chimney Information, General Information
It seems like common sense that you would start a fire in a cold fireplace. The cold is the reason you need the fire in the first place. However, you have to take care to preheat your fireplace properly, or you risk filling your home with smoke. Why preheating your...
by Marisa Bell | Apr 30, 2018 | Chimney Information
If you’re looking to add a fireplace to your home, your mind probably turns first to the style you’d like to achieve and the fuel type you prefer. There’s one other fireplace decision you’ll have to make when you begin shopping around: traditional masonry fireplace or...