Can You Put New Stucco Over Old Stucco?

a white stucco chimney with a metal chimney cap

Stucco is a common finish material used in residential and commercial construction. When properly installed, it can hold up for years and provide you with protection and aesthetic appeal. …until it doesn’t, that is.

You may suddenly find yourself wanting to change the look and feel of the stucco finish or you might even be finding some places on the original stucco that need masonry repairs. So is it possible to put new stucco over old stucco? Absolutely!

But before you schedule that appointment with Ozark Stove and Chimney, let’s dive into this topic a little more so you can make a more informed decision on whether or not you should apply new stucco over old stucco.

What Are the Benefits of Putting New Stucco Over Old Stucco?

When weighing your options, it’s always great to start with taking into consideration the benefits of putting new stucco over old stucco. Some of the reasons this is a good idea includes:

  • a white stucco chimney on a red roof with a metal chimney capCost Savings: Going the route of putting new stucco over old stucco is generally more affordable because there is less labor and material costs compared to a full removal and replacement of the stucco. 
  • Time Efficiency: Generally speaking, it’s a relatively quick fix! Don’t mistake quick as us saying it’s easy, though. There’s a lot to know about how to apply stucco correctly.
  • Enhanced Durability: It’s kind of like putting sunscreen on. You’re never guaranteed that you won’t get a sunburn… but the extra layer of protection reduces your chances of damage to your skin. An extra layer of stucco can improve the overall durability of your home and minimize the risk of damage.
  • Aesthetically Pleasing: It is always great when you can update and improve the appearance of something. With new stucco, you can choose different colors, textures, or finishes. There’s lots of different options to suit your needs. 

Are There Any Limitations When Adding New Stucco Layers?

By now, you’re probably getting excited about the possibility of updating your stucco. However, there are a few limitations to consider before you start a new Pinterest Board for stucco inspiration. Here are a few things to think about.

  • Thickness Restrictions: Building codes often specify a maximum thickness of stucco layers. Will adding a new layer potentially exceed that limit and lead to other issues such as cracking or bulging? It’s something to think about.
  • Structural Compatibility: Is your home or chimney able to support the additional weight of the new stucco layer?
  • Adhesion Challenges: Proper adhesion between the old and new stucco layers is important to ensure long-term durability. Is the existing stucco in good enough condition to properly adhere to the new stucco?
  • Existing Moisture Problems: Are there any signs of leaks or trapped moisture? Adding a new stucco layer over layers that have underlying issues with water is like slapping a band-aid on the problem – i.e., it’s not a long-term solution. In the end, it can lead to more serious problems, like mold and deterioration, in the near future. 

These are tough questions to answer without the help of a certified professional. It’s a good thing there’s a knowledgeable team in the Greene County & Benton County area that can help!

What Preparation Is Required for the Existing Stucco Surface Before Applying New Stucco?

The very first step, even before prepping your home, is to have someone evaluate the integrity and stability of the existing stucco. We want to determine if the old stucco is suitable for a new application and ensure there are no other underlying issues that need to be fixed first.

After we have determined that it’s ok to go ahead with applying a new stucco layer, the following steps will take place:

  • a white stucco chimney with a metal chimney capPreparing the Surface: Minor cracks won’t interfere with the application of new stucco. However, we will look for sections of loose stucco and knock them off. After removing the loose sections, the surface needs to be thoroughly swept clean.
  • Cleaning the Surface: Using a pressure washer, we will clear the wall of any dirt, grime, and other loose stucco. The wall will need to be completely dry before moving onto the next step.
  • Repairing Existing Damage or Defects: Suitable patching materials will be used to fix any minor cracks, chips, or other localized damage in the old stucco. It’s important to fix it rather than throw a band-aid over it.
  • Ensuring Proper Adhesion: A bonding agent, or primer, will be applied to improve adhesion between the old and new layers of stucco.
  • Applying Scratch Coat: After preparing the stucco mixture, we will then apply the new layer of stucco and use special tools to create the desired texture. Additional coats may be added to achieve the desired thickness.

There’s clearly a lot to know about applying stucco. Although there are plenty of video tutorials online for how to do this yourself, we still recommend you hire someone with the knowledge and experience to ensure each step is done correctly – especially when even the slightest mistake can lead to moisture-related problems and costly repair bills down the road.

Questions? Give Us a Shout

Give Ozark Stove and Chimney a call today at 417-201-6585 to book your next appointment. Our team is dedicated to providing only the best experience to our customers, and we happen to offer a lifetime warranty on all of our work too – can’t beat that. Rest assured, when you work with us, you’ll be happy with your new stucco for years to come.

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